Translation of the original user manual
Article no.: 10-02-50292-EN
Status: 12.10.2017
Read this document in its entirety before initial use and observe all safety
notices contained within. Always retain this manual for future reference!
Handle this document confidentially. It is meant only for persons who work with this
product. Text and graphics contained in this document have been compiled with
particular care. No liability can however be assumed for possible defects and their
Information about the layout arrangement and possibly existing errors should be
addressed to your dealer. We will of course take up and implement any sensible
suggestions and improvement proposals.
Some company and brand names as well as product descriptions are protected by
trademark or patent law. All rights reserved. No part of these documents may be
reproduced or transmitted for any purpose without express written permission from
MOBA, irrespective of the manner or the means by which this occurs.
Copyright by
MOBA Mobile Automation AG
Kapellenstrasse 15
65555 Limburg, Germany
Internet: www.moba.de