In the middle part of the screen, there is a configuration view of the Stainer for a
chosen program, represented by 16
rectangular buttons, which correspond to 16 stations.
The buttons for technological stations are colored in blue. They contain the following
information: the number of a station, the appointed reagent, the value <RESOURCE> (the
remaining number of technological operations in a station with reagent until it has to be
changed). The buttons for parking stations are colored in white, and they contain an
inscription <PARKING>, as well as the number of a station. Parameters and application of
each station can be changed by pressing the button with a respective number.
The format of buttons:
where: <NN> – number of station, <STATION APPLICATION> – application of station,
<RESOUR ХХХ> – how many times it is left for a manipulator to revert to a station with
reagent until it has to be changed (resource limit of a reagent), (the limit is set by the operator
within the interval 0-255, default value is 255).
The <STATION APPLICATION> parameter can acquire the following values:
- <DRYING> (only for station No. 1)
- <FLOW> (only for station No. 2)
- <PARKING> (parking station, into which a rack with slides will be loaded). The
parameter is not editable, as the loading of racks is automatic.
- <TECHNOLOGICAL> (station, in which preparations are processed). When a trough
with reagent is assigned to a station, the reagent either has to be chosen from a list
of 64 preprogrammed ones in
Appendix B
or its new name should be entered (in
total up to 96 names).
To edit changeable parameters of configuration (e.g., <MODE> for station No. 1),
press the blue button to the right of the button with the name of a parameter.
The station <DRYER> (station No. 1) has the following configuration parameters (Fig.