S w e e t B r e a d R e c i p e s 2 1
S w e e t B r e a d
1 Pound Loaf
Water, 80° F
2 fl oz (¼ c)
Gerber Baby Food, apricots with tapioca
(1) 6 oz jar
Vegetable Oil
2 tbsp
Almond Extract
1 tsp
2 tbsp
1 tsp
Bread Flour
2 ½ c
Active Dry Yeast
2 ¼ tsp
Dried Apricots, quartered
½ c
Slivered Almonds
½ c
A p r i c o t A l m o n d B r e a d
Apricots and almonds turn this bread into a delightful breakfast bread.
It’s even great for lunch with a salad.
Do not add more apricots than recommended as the consistency of the dough will be affected.