| XVP-3901
5.5.3 Advanced
tab provides controls over the type and level of detail enhancement that will be performed, and the
color of the mask.
Image Processing
Separate controls are provided for Horizontal and Vertical
detail enhancement:
Horz. Detail Enhancer Mode:
this pull-down box controls the
type of horizontal detail enhancement, which may improve
sharpness of textures and contours.
High Freq
boosts high frequencies of the input signal
Medium Freq
boosts medium frequencies of the
input signal
Horz. Detail Enhancer
: a slider and a data reporting/entry
box allow the user to select a value in the range 0 (no
enhancement) to 7 (maximum enhancement). The default
value is 1 for HD to SD mode, and 0 for SD to SD mode
Vert Detail Enhancer Mode:
this pull-down box controls the
type of vertical detail enhancement, which may improve
sharpness of textures and contours.
High Freq
boosts high frequencies of the input signal
Medium Freq
boosts medium frequencies of the input signal
Vert. Detail Enhancer:
a slider and a data reporting/entry box allow the user to select a value in the range -8 (some
softening) to +7 (maximum enhancement). Set the value to 0 for no enhancement. The default value is 1 for HD to SD
mode, and 0 for SD to SD mode
Background color
This color patch (black by default) indicates the color that will be
used for the masks, and will therefore surround the output image
when it does not occupy the full output screen. Click on the
… button to open the Background Colors window. This
window includes YCbCr sliders with data entry boxes, and a color
preview patch. The color is represented by an 8-bit value for each
If you have selected an illegal RGB color, it will be
flagged as “Invalid RGB” beneath the color patch, and
also within the color patch shown in the Advanced tab if you apply it. This invalid RGB color will not be clipped
by the Gamut correction. Make sure you select a valid RGB color if you care about Gamut errors.
Colors for HD and SD masks are specified independently when the corresponding output format is selected.
Figure 5.26
Video Outputs SD - Advanced tab
Figure 5.27
Background colors