4. Device installation | 4.3 - Hardware construction | 57
The XML file is available to download online:
Fieldbus parameters
Recommendation for a Siemens S7, for example
Fieldbus slave setting:
Use DHCP [on] as per the default settings and activate the master as a
DHCP server (W [Allocate IP adr via IO controller]).
Slave – master device names
A unique device name must be assigned out of the master. This name is
given highest priority when establishing a connection.
When replacing devices or servicing, please note:
As well as the IP address, the device name must correspond to that of the
replacement device. Explicit assignment out of the master is required.
4.3.11 EtherNet/IP interface
The EtherNet/IP fieldbus is a complete EtherNet/IP adapter (slave) for
network connection.
The interface can be configured by software.