6. Operating | 6.13 - Metrology parameters | 97
[Standstill range]
As long as the weight fluctuations remain within this range, the device is
determined to be stable.
Input: 0.01 to 10.00 d
[Tare condition]
Selection: Tare without standstill, Tare after standstill
[Tare timeout]
Timeout for a tare/zeroset command that cannot be executed (e.g. due to
mechanical instability of the scale, incorrect filter setting, resolution too
high, standstill condition too strict).
Input: 0.00 to 25.00 s.
At 0.0 s taring is only carried out when the scale is already stable.
[Zeroset range]
Define a ±range around the zero point determined by the dead load dur
ing adjustment; within this range
the displayed gross weight can be set to zero by a corresponding ex
ternal command, and
automatic zero tracking is active.
Input: 0.00 to 10000.00 d
The zero display is automatically maintained within set limits.
Selection: No, Yes
When [No] is selected, the next three parameters are not shown.
When [Yes] is selected, values for the next three parameters must be en
[Zerotrack indic. range]
Indication range within which automatic zerotrack compensates for devia
Input: 0.25 to 10000.00 d
[Zerotrack step]
If a weight change exceeds the adjusted value, automatic tracking does
not function any more.
Input: 0.25 to 10000.00 d