Locate the right gantry end plate. Place eccentric spacers
(2) in the large holes on the top of the gantry end plate.
The recessed pockets should be face up. Place a v-wheel on
a M8x40 machine screw. Spinning the wheel on the screw
will help to align the washer that is between the bearings.
Insert the M8x40 machine screw through the eccentric
spacer and secure with a M8 nylock nut. The v-wheel
should turn freely. The eccentric should turn with a 13mm
wrench. Repeat for the second eccentric spacer.
Repeat the process with the left gantry end plate. The recessed pockets on
the plate should be face up.
Locate a X/Z motor mount. The mount will
be installed on the same side of the gantry
end plates as the v-wheels. Place (2)
M4x12 machine screws with a M4 split lock
washer each through the back of the gantry
end plate (opposite the v-wheels) using the
two small holes located between the v-
wheels and install the motor mount.
Repeat the process on the other gantry end
plate. Place both to the side