Place a v-wheel on a M8x40 machine
screw. Spinning the v-wheel will help align
the washer between the bearing. Place a
standard spacer on the screw next. Place
the screw in the hole in the gantry endplate
under the Mega V Y rail. Secure with a M8
nylock nut.
You may need to adjust the eccentric spacers on the top v wheels to allow
the bottom v-wheels to be installed. Use a 13mm wrench to rotate the
eccentric spacer to allow the plate to drop to the lowest point. The
eccentric spacers have a flat spot on one corner to denote The highest
position of the plate. Put the flat spot on the bottom for the lowest plate
position. Continue installation with the remaining v-wheels.
Once the wheels are installed. Move the gantry back and forth. The travel should be smooth. If one side lags,
the wheels are too tight. Each v-wheel should rotate when the gantry is moved, but you should be able to
rotate each wheel individually with your fingers.
If you cannot rotate a wheel without moving the gantry, you will need to loosen the eccentric a bit. Make sure
the wheels are still in contact with the Mega V Y extrusions when the gantry is moved.
If travel still lags, you may have to loosen the M8x40 machine screw holding the wheel to the gantry end plate.
The screw can compress the bearings if too tight restriction rotation of the bearings.
If movement is still lagging, check square.