SYSTEM Subsystem
It queries the error number in error message queue over the interface. The instru-
ment has an error queue which is 64 errors deep
and operates on a first-in, first-out basis, Repeatedly sending the query ":SYSTem:ERRor?"
returns the error numbers in the order
that they occurred until the queue is empty. Any further queries then return zeros until another
error occurs.
When the queue is empty, the ERR message on the LCD screen is removed at the same time.
Query syntax:SYST:ERR?
Return data 0,"No error"
Common error code
0 No error
-100 Command error
-102 Syntax error
-108 Parameter not allowed
-109 Missing parameter
-113 Undefined header
-121 Invalid character in number
-128 Numeric data not allowed
-131 Invalid suffix
-211 Trigger ignored
-220 Parameter error
-222 Data out of range
-224 Illegal parameter
-230 Data corrupt or stale
-256 File not found
-340 Calibration failed
-350 Queue overflow
-363 Input buffer overrun
-410 Query interrupted
It queries the system version that includes software, firmware and calibration version.
Query syntax:
Return data 1.350,20.0430,19.0521
It queries the serial number of the instrument.
Query syntax:SYST:SER?
Return data GEP000000
CORRection Subsystem