5.2.5 ALC
It is preset as <ALC OFF>. If selecting <ALC ON>, it ensures that the
voltage applied to both ends of Test Piece or the current flowing through
the Test Piece will be consistent with the parameter set value. If selecting
<ALC ON>, because the instrument needs to calculate the voltage and
the current for adjusting the output, it will increase the time required for
the measuring. If the Auto Level Control cannot achieve the range to be
set, the page will display < ALC FAIL> at the lower-right corner of panel,
and it recommend setting as <ALC OFF> because it will affect the meas-
uring speed.
It is preset as <OFF>. The <FAIL> option means that the fail beep will
sound if the test result is judged as <FAIL>. The <PASS> option means
that the pass beep will sound if the test result is judged as <PASS>.
It is preset as <ON>. If selecting <ON>, the measuring range is hold at the
range, which is used by the first time measuring. If selecting <OFF>, the
most suitable test range is set automatically. Faster measuring speed can
be achieved when setting at <ON>.
It is preset as <OFF>.It retests continuously until the test result is pass,
when the test result is fail. If selecting <OFF>, it doesn’t execute this func-
tion. If selecting <STEP 1>, only the first step is going to retest. If selecting
<ALL>,no matter which step occur fail result, the fail step is going to retest
until the result become pass.
It displays the statistics at the lower-right corner of the panel. If selecting
<CLEAR>, it resets the statistics statue.