75 - 75 021537/06/10
After a restart the system is always switched to the enquiry mode. If a command is
entered incorrectly or an invalid command input, the ULTRASONIC immediately sets
the access mode to the enquiry mode.
Range of values 0;1; xxxxx
Initial value 0
Command MA
<id>MA>>para5> Automatic adjustment of measured value acquisition (Measurement Automation)
Access: User mode
Description: Specifies whether the measuring interval MA is automatically changed when an
incorrect measurement is identified: see Command MD
Parameter description:
0: An incorrect measured value identified during the plausibility check has no
influence on the interval for the acquisition of measured values.
>0: An incorrect measured value identified during the plausibility check causes
the measuring interval to be set to the selected value and measurement
performed with this frequency in the case of error. In case of error the
parameter MA, divided by 10, replaces the selected measured value interval,
which was set by parameter MD. If MD and MA (multiplied by 10) have the
same value, the measuring speed does not change in the case of error.
The measuring interval is reset when 4 consecutive data records contain no
The value for MA is stated on 0.1 ms,
that means a value MA equates 1.3 ms
Range of values 0..100
Initial value 13
Command MD
<id>MD>>para5> Measuring interval (Measurement Delay)
Access: User mode
Description: Specifies the time in ms waited between two ultrasonic pulses. The ULTRASONIC is
designed so that it cyclically measures the path run times of the individual paths. The
parameter MD specifies how long the period between two ultrasonic pulses is. In
standard mode this time is 5ms, so that every 20ms a complete data record is made
from all sensors. If the ULTRASONIC identifies an incorrect measurement, the value
MD can be set to 0, i.e. the send pulses directly follow each other: see Command MA.
If for example a sensor is blocked, the change from MD to MA is identified by the
higher repetition frequency of the pulses given off by the ULTRASONIC.
Range of values 0..1000
Initial value: 5
Command NC
<id>NC<para5> Correction to north (North Correction)
Access: User mode
Description: With North correction a constant angle is also added to the measured angle. This value
is used to correct a known angle error. If the ULTRASONIC is for example not aligned
directly to north but to north-east, the wind direction will always show 45° too l ittle. In
this case a north correction of 45 must be selected.
North correction affects the values in the data telegrams as well as the analog output
Range of values 0...360 in 1° steps
Initial value: 0