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access is activated by the command <CTR B>ST000KY1<CTRL C> and by <CTR
B>ST000AM1<CTRL C> the averaging time is changed.
Moreover, in the Bayern Hessen mode different combinations of measuring instrument addresses
are available, see
Command BH
7.13 Forcing a restart
The command RS can be used to force a restart of the ULTRASONIC. The commands
00KY1 <cr>
00RS1 <cr>
will restart the ULTRASONIC after approx. 3sec: see also Command RS
7.14 Energy-saving mode
The ULTRASONIC does not itself have an energy-saving mode. However, it can be configured so
that it only has to be supplied with power for a limited period. The following parameters can be
used for optimisation:
Switch on fast boot:
On startup using the parameter 00FB1 and FB2 prevents the ULTRASONIC from first
starting the bootloader and waiting for a program update. See also Command FB
A value of SM >0 delays the boot procedure for approx. 200 ms. See
Command SM
Signal when averaging buffer is full:
The connector pin ADIO can be switched so that the PIN is set to +%V when the
averaging buffer of the ULTRASONIC has reached a content level > 7/8. Here the
shortest adjustable averaging time is 600ms: see also Command AC, Command AV.
The signal can be used to disconnect the ULTRASONIC from the voltage supply.
Switch off heating:
With the command 00HT0 the heating of the ULTRASONIC is switched off completely:
see Command HT.
7.15 Bootloader
Whenever the ULTRASONIC is restarted, the instrument first starts a bootloader. The function of
the program is to start program upload. For this a specific program containing the new firmware
must be started at a connected PC. After identification program upload then starts automatically. If
the bootloader does not know its remote station, the ULTRASONIC firmware starts. The bootloader
can be bypassed if the parameter “Fast Boot” FB is set to 00FB1 or FB2.
The instrument is internally equipped with two different bootloaders:
THIES-specific bootloader (bus-compatible)
X-modem CRC bootloader (256byte per frame)
The bootloaders are selected through the commands FB0 (THIES-bootloader) respectively FB3 (X-
modem bootloader).
The bootloader is started after each system start.