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Only when the binary data are completely available on the ULTRASONIC, the new program is
written into the program memory. After successful transmission the new program starts
If the transmission is stopped, the ULTRASONIC starts automatically the firmware available after a
respective timeout (20s).
7.16 Fast boot
See Energy-saving mode.
7.17 Plausibility
To identify incorrectly measured values the ULTRASONIC offers an internal plausibility check
which assesses measured values using the history. Incorrect measured values can be caused for
example by heavy rainfall or foreign bodies in the measurement path.
If an incorrect measured value is identified, the ULTRASONIC sets its acquisition of measured
values to the maximum speed. In this mode it is more likely to obtain a valid measured value in
fault conditions (e.g. rain). A complete data record is now made every 4ms using all 4 sensors so
that the ULTRASONIC generates 250 measured values per second
For plausibility check selection see also
Command MD
Command PC
7.18 Online help
For a short description of commands the ULTRASONIC contains an Online help which provides
information about individual commands. The Help text for the command is returned by inputting the
command and a '?'.
If the command
00?? ?<cr> <cr> stands for Carriage return (Enter key)
is input, the ULTRASONIC will list all commands with the relevant help.
Help with setting the baud rate is to be called up: see
Command BR
With the command
00BR?<cr> <cr> stands for Carriage return (Enter key)
the ULTRASONIC provides the following response:
BR: Set / get baud rate
0 -> reserved
10 -> 1200 7E1
1 -> reserved
11 -> 1200 7E1
2 -> 1200 8N1
12 -> 4800 7E1
3 -> 2400 8N1
13 -> 9600 7E1
4 -> 4800 8N1
14 -> 19200 7E1