54 - 54 021537/06/10
5 -> 9600 8N1*
15 -> 38400 7E1
6 -> 19200 8N1
16 -> 57600 7E1
7 -> 38400 8N1
17 ->115200 7E1
8 -> 57600 8N1
9 ->115200 8N1
8 Configuration of ultrasonic anemometer by customer
The Ultrasonic Anemometer 2 D is factory-set prior to delivery to the customer.
Setting is described in the supplementary sheet "Factory Setting".
It is possible for the customer to alter the factory setting of the Ultrasonic Anemometer 2 D or to
adapt it to new requirements. Here it should be borne in mind that with a change in settings, the
order number allocated at the factory can then no longer help with identification.
The Anemometer 2D can be configured via its serial data interface using commands.
see section:
- Access mode
- Command list
Any standard terminal program such as "Procomm", "Telix" or a Windows terminal program (e.g.
Hyper Terminal) can be used for this purpose.
After performing configuration please amend the supplementary sheet "Factory Setting" and also
send in to the manufacturer in the event of maintenance or repair.
8.1 Storing of Parameter Data Set
The ULTRASONIC is able to store internally three complete parameter data sets. By the
commands SP and RP complete parameter sets are stored respectively read-out from the memory
and applied. Parameter sets are stored, for ex. In case that tests with different instruments settings
(for ex. different user-defined telegrams) shall be carried out. When a configuration with user-
defined telegram has been made, this can be stored and another configuration can be effected.
This can be stored, too. By downloading the respective configuration the user can now select from
the stored configurations.
By the command 00SP1 for ex. all parameters are stored into the buffer ‘1’. By command 00RP1
all parameters are read and applied by the system. After back-reading the data from the buffer by
command RP a system start is carried out automatically, see also Command RP , Command SP.
The buffer with the index ‘0’ contains all values of the delivery, and cannot be overwritten.
8.2 Establishing of Delivery Condition
The parameter data set on delivery is stored in the parameter data set ‘0’. By calling 00RP0 the
instrument is set into the condition of delivery. After reading a system start is carried out