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Command CB
<id>CB<para5> Calibration value for the analogue current/voltage outputs (offset correction)
Access: Configuration mode
Description: The initial value of 1000 represents an offset correction of 0.
The difference value to the initial value adds (value >1000) or subtracts an offset (value
<1000) as a multiple of an increment of the 16 bit LSB-value (approx. 15 ppm of FS) as
offset to the respective output value…
Value range: 800..1200
Initial value: Device-dependent
Command CI
<id>CI<para5> Selects the command interpreter (Command Interpreter)
Access: User mode
Description: The ULTRASONIC contains several command interpreters. The THIES command
interpreter is active in standard mode. The Command CI can be used to change the
command interpreter. The command interpreter decides the format of the commands
input. "THIES" is selected as the standard command interpreter. It awaits commands in
the form:
XXBBnnnnn<CR> Telegram to change a parameter
XXBB<CR> Interrogation telegram
XX -> two-position ID (initial value is 00: see Command CI)
BB -> two-character command identifier
nnnnn ->5-character parameter
<CR> -> Carriage return as delimiter
When changing a parameter it should be ensured that the appropriate access key is
selected: see Command KY
Parameter description:
0: Standard Thies command interpreter
1: Bayern Hessen command interpreter
Range of values 0..1
Initial value: 0
Command CY
<id>CY<para5> Scales the minimum value of the analogue input PIN ADIO( analogue channel C)
Access: User mode
Description: The measuring values of the analogue inputs can be output in scaled form. By means
of the command CY the output value is stated for 0V input voltage. The value for the
parameter CY is calculated as follows:
Parameter value = 30000+(reference value*10)
See also 7.2.1 and Command CZ