41 - 41 021537/06/10 Data format WHOLE_NUMBER
A whole number is a number which is output without commas. However, it can include a sign or /and be in
hexadecimal format.
@'Measured value','Number of characters','Format'@
Measured value: see Table 7
Number of characters: number of characters output including any sign
Format: format of number shown
0: without sign and decimal
1: with sign and decimal
2: without sign and hexadecimal
3: with sign and hexadecimal
The number of characters and the 'Format' do not have to be specified; in this case they are
padded with the values '3' (Number of characters) and '0' (Format).
Example 1:
00ut@29@\0d<cr> <cr> stands for Carriage return (Enter key)
Outputs the storage interval with three places without a sign. (Only with averaging switched on is
display not equal to zero)
Example 2:
00ut@29,3,2@h\0d<cr> <cr> stands for Carriage return (Enter key)
Outputs the storage interval with three places without a sign as a hexadecimal value. (Only with
averaging switched on is display not equal to zero) Data format NUMBER
A floating point number is known as a number. It is formatted as for the WHOLE_NUMBER with
the addition that a decimal place can be included.
@'Measured value','Number of characters',' Decimal places','Format'@
Measured value: see Table 7
Number of characters: number of characters output including decimal points? and any sign
Decimal places': number of places after decimal points?
Format: format of number shown