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baud rate, and it stores the parameter internally.
If the user is unable to set the new baud rate, the ULTRASONIC must be restarted. It
will then automatically set the last valid baud rate (here 9600baud)
00KY1<cr> Opens access key
00BX103<cr> ULTRASONIC baud rate changed to
'Set baud rate at PC to 921600baud'
00BX103<cr> Repeat command for baud rate. The
ULTRASONIC stores the baud rate. This
baud rate is loaded with every restart.
When interrogating the baud rate using the command BX, the ULTRASONIC gives
back the last programmed baud rate selected either using the command BR or BX.
Range of values 101..103
Initial value: As the initial value for the baud rate the command BR is responsible.
Command BY
<id>BY<para5> Scales the output value of the minimum value of the analogue input PIN WG/RXD+
(analogue channel B )
Access: User mode
Description: The measuring values of the analogue inputs can be output in scaled form. By means
of the command BY the output value is stated for 0V input voltage. The value for the
parameter BY is calculated as follows:
Parameter value = 30000+(reference value*10)
See also 7.2.1 and Command BZ
Command BZ
<id>BZ<para5> Scales the minimum value of the analogue input PIN WG/RXD+( analogue channel B)
Access: User mode
Description: The measuring values of the analogue inputs can be output in scaled form. By means
of the command BZ the output value is stated for 9,96V input voltage. The value for the
parameter BZ is calculated as follows:
Parameter value = 30000+(reference value*10)
See also 7.2.1 and Command BY
Command CA
<id>CA<para5> Calibration value for analogue current/ voltage outputs (slope).
Access: Configuration mode
Description: The initial value of 60000 corresponds to the non-calibrated inclination 1,0000.
The difference to the initial value changes the slew rate by 0,1 per mil (1*10
), per
increment. The calibration value is below the initial value of 600000, as the internal
boost is charged by 1 % too high for balancing the accuracy of the reference and the
part variance.
Range of values: 5900..61000
Initial value: Device-dependent