Service interval display
Calling up the service due date ...... 190
Disconnection periods ................... 190
Displaying service messages ......... 190
Notes ............................................. 190
Service menu (on-board com-
puter) .................................................. 125
Service products
special additives .............. 226
Brake fluid ..................................... 227
Coolant (engine) ............................ 227
Engine oil ....................................... 226
Notes ............................................. 223
Washer fluid ................................... 227
Setting the date format .................... 132
Setting the day design ...................... 131
Setting the night design ................... 131
Setting the read-aloud speed ........... 132
Setting the volume
Telephone calls .............................. 129
Setting the waveband ....................... 179
Sound settings ............................... 180
Side window
Child-proof lock ............................... 55
Sidebag ................................................ 39
Snow chains ...................................... 209
Armrest centre console ................... 77
Centre console ................................ 77
Rear compartment ........................... 78
Switching on/off ........................... 129
Sound settings
Balance/fader ............................... 180
Calling up the sound menu ............ 180
Equaliser ........................................ 180
Spare wheel
General notes ................................ 214
Removing/fitting ........................... 214
Specialist workshop ............................ 30
Spectacles compartment ................... 74
Display message (vehicle without
steering wheel buttons) ................. 236
Spelling .............................................. 182
Start/Stop button
Key positions ................................... 94
Starting the vehicle
when the key battery is dis-
charged ............................................ 57
Station memory (radio)
Storing the current station ............. 179
Station preset (radio)
Moving a marked station ............... 179
Station presets (radio)
Deleting marked stations ............... 179
Display message ............................ 243
Warning lamps ............................... 252
Steering wheel
Adjusting ......................................... 71
Button overview ............................. 123
Buttons (on-board computer) ......... 124
Stickers ................................................ 31
Storage compartments ....................... 74
Storing stations
Radio ............................................. 179
Stowage compartments
Armrest (under) ............................... 74
Stowage net ......................................... 75
Stowage spaces and compart-
Glove compartment ......................... 74
Spectacles compartment ................. 74
Sun visor .............................................. 90
Switching between summer and
standard time .................................... 132
Switching off the alarm (ATA) ............ 64
Switching the loading area lighting
on and off ............................................. 80
Switching traffic announcements
Radio ............................................. 180
System settings
Language ....................................... 134
Selecting summer time .................. 132
Switching automatic time settings
on/off ............................................ 132
Text reader speed .......................... 132
Time zone ...................................... 132