C leaning and C are of the
V eh icle
W arning!
M any cleaning products can
be hazardous. S o m e are
poisonous, oth ers are fla m
m able. A lw ays fo llo w the
in stru ction s on th e particular
con tainer. A lw ays open your
c a r’s doors or w in d o w s w hen
cleaning th e inside.
N ever use fluids or solvents
that are not d esig n ed for
c leaning your car.
In operation, your ve hicle is
subjected to varying external
influ en ces w hich, if gone un
checked, can attack the p aint
w ork as w ell as the underbody
and cause lasting dam age.
Such dam age is caused not only
by extrem e and varying clim a tic
cond itio ns, but also by air p ol
lution, road salt, tar, gravel and
stone ch ip p in g . G rease and oil,
fuel, coolant, brake fluid, bird
d ro pp ing s, tree resins etc. should
be rem oved im m e diately to avoid
paint dam age. F requent w ashing,
how ever, reduces a n d /o r
e lim in a tes the a ggressiveness and
potency of the above adverse in
M ore frequent w ash ing s are
n ecessary to deal with u nfavor
able cond itio ns; for exam ple, near
the ocean, in industrial areas
(sm oke, exhaust em issions), or
d urin g w inter operation.
You should ch eck your vehicle
from tim e to tim e for stone
c h ip pin g or other dam age. Any
dam age should be repaired as
soon as possible to prevent the
start of corrosion.
In doing so, do not neglect the
und erside of the car. A p rere
q uisite for a thorough ch eck is a
w ashing of the underbody fo l
lowed by a thorough inspection.
D am aged areas need to be re
Your ve hicle has been treated at
the factory w ith a w ax-base
rustproofing in the body cavities
w hich w ill last for the lifetim e of
the vehicle. Post-production
treatm ent is neither necessary nor
recom m ended by M ercedes-Benz
because of the p ossibility of
inco m p a tib ility betw een m aterials
used in the production process
and others applied later.
W e have selected car-care
products and co m piled reco m
m endations w hich are specially
m atched to our ve hicles and w hich
alw ays reflect the latest te chn o
logy. You can obtain M B car-care
products at your authorized
M ercedes-B enz dealer.
Scratches, corrosive deposits,
corrosion or dam age due to ne
g lig e n t or inco rre ct care cannot
alw ays be rem oved or repaired
with the car-care products re
com m ended here. In such cases it
is best to seek aid at your au
thorized M ercedes-B enz dealer.
The follow ing to pics deal with the
cleaning and care of your vehicle
and give im portant ” h ow -to ”
inform ation as w ell as references
to recom m ended M B car-care
A dditional inform ation can be
found in the booklet titled "C a r
C a re “ .
Summary of Contents for 300 SE 1993
Page 1: ...Owner s Manual...
Page 3: ...Mercedes Benz Owner s Manual 1993 300 SE 400 SEL 500 SEL...
Page 13: ...11 Instruments and C ontrols...
Page 22: ......
Page 74: ......
Page 96: ......
Page 128: ......
Page 146: ......
Page 147: ...Index...
Page 152: ...NOTES 150...
Page 153: ...NOTES 151...
Page 156: ...Mercedes Benz AG Stuttgart Untertuerkheim...
Page 157: ......