A cceleratio n Slip C ontrol (A SR )
The acceleration slip control will
engage at all ve hicle speeds, if
one or both drive w heels begin to
lose traction and spin due to
excessive acceleration. W hile
engaged, the yellow function in d i
cator in the speedom eter lights up
W ith the acceleration slip control
engaged, the brake is a pplied to
the spinning drive w heel until it
regains su fficien t traction. If both
drive w heels lose traction and
spin, the brake is applied to both
d rive w heels and sim u ltan e ou sly,
engine torque is lim ited.
As traction on the road surface
increases, the allo w a ble engine
torque also increases again and
the brake is no longer a pplied to
drive w heels.
If the ve h icle is tow ed w ith the
front axle raised (see
Tow ing the
ve hicle
in Index), the key m ust not
be in steering lock position 2.
O therw ise, the accelera tion slip
control w ill im m e diately be en
gaged and w ill a pp ly the rear
w heel brakes.
W ith the key in steering lock p osi
tion 2, the ye llo w fu nctio n ind icato r
lam p and the yellow ASR w arning
lam p in the instru m e nt cluster
com e on. T hey m ust go out w hen
the eng in e is running.
If the ASR w arning lam p com es
on w ith the eng in e run nin g, a
m alfunction has been detected.
Pressing the a ccelera tor pedal will
require gre ate r effort. O n ly partial
engine o utp ut is available.
Have the accelera tion slip control
checked at your authorized
M ercedes-B enz dea le r as soon as
D riving the ve hicle with varied size
tires w ill cause the w heels to ro
tate at d ifferen t speeds, therefore
the a cceleration slip control will
a ctivate (yellow ASR function
ind icato r lam p in instrum ent c lu s
ter com es on). For this reason, all
w heels, inclu ding the spare wheel,
m ust have the sam e tire size.
W hen testing the parking brake on
a brake test dynam om eter, the key
m ust not be in steering lock posi
tion 2. O therw ise, the acceleration
slip control w ill im m ediately be
engaged and w ill apply the rear
w heel brakes.
In w inter operation, the m axim um
effectiveness of the acceleration
slip control is only achieved with
M ercedes-B enz recom m ended
M + S ra d ia l-p ly tires.
On ve hicles equipped with a c c e l
eration slip control, the brake pad
w ear w arning lam p indicates brake
pad w ear for the front as well as
the rear brakes.
Summary of Contents for 300 SE 1993
Page 1: ...Owner s Manual...
Page 3: ...Mercedes Benz Owner s Manual 1993 300 SE 400 SEL 500 SEL...
Page 13: ...11 Instruments and C ontrols...
Page 22: ......
Page 74: ......
Page 96: ......
Page 128: ......
Page 146: ......
Page 147: ...Index...
Page 152: ...NOTES 150...
Page 153: ...NOTES 151...
Page 156: ...Mercedes Benz AG Stuttgart Untertuerkheim...
Page 157: ......