Operating and installation instructions
M-WRG-II P-T (-F, -FC), M-WRG-II E-T (-F, -FC) ventilation units
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Meltem Wärmerückgewinnung GmbH & Co. KG
Am Hartholz 4 · D-82239 Alling
[email protected] · www.meltem.com
V E N T I L A T I O N & H E A T R E C O V E R Y
6.2.2 Summer mode
On hot summer days, the heat recovery effect can be utilized the opposite way around
during the day by correcting the temperature of the supplied hot outdoor air with the
removed cooler extract air.
At night, when the outdoor air temperature is lower than the interior temperature, the
ventilation unit can be set to allow supply air or extract air operation alone, with the effect
that there is no heat recovery.
In addition, a cross-ventilation effect can be created by setting one ventilation unit to
supply air operation and the other to extract air operation.
In supply air mode, the exhaust air fan switches off, i.e. only supply air is transported. The
necessary extract air flow rate must be guaranteed by arrangements in the building (e.g.
tilted window) or a second unit.
The supply air or extract air mode program can be implemented using the optional
controller options: InControl pushbutton sensor, Modbus, RS-485 bus or the M-WRG-FBH
wireless remote control.
► In the summer months, ventilate cellars and similar rooms only during the night.
Otherwise condensation from the atmospheric humidity can cause damage due to
damp on the cold walls.
Air filters
— Never run the ventilation unit without air filters.
— Always use genuine Meltem filters. These are precisely matched to your M-WRG-II
ventilation units, ensure minimal pressure losses and will ensure a long service life
from your ventilation units.
— DIN 1946-6 “Ventilation for residential buildings” recommends changing air filters
every six months. The air filters for outdoor air and extract air should be replaced at
least once a year on hygiene grounds, ideally before the cold weather starts.
— In high levels of air pollution (e.g. from road traffic or industry, rooms with high dust
levels) change the filters
every six months
— Always replace air filters in pairs. The permeability of both air filters affects the effi-
ciency and power consumption of the ventilation unit.
— Observe the filter change indicator (see chapter 12 on page 36) and replace the air
filters as necessary.
An outdoor air filter from filter class ISO ePM1 ≥50% (F7) is needed to fulfil the hygiene
requirements defined in VDI 6022 and DIN 1946-6 (category H). Every M-WRG-II venti-
lation unit is equipped with such an air filter as standard.