Chapter 9
– Errors
In this chapter you learn
Which type of messages exist
What you should do in case of errors
What you can do before calling the Hotline
What you can do if no display appears
What you can do when the feed water consumption is too high
What you can do if there are bad drying results
A warning is not an error
Not all messages which appear on the →display are error
Warning messages
Warning messages are displayed when necessary. Warning
messages are not error messages. They help to ensure
smooth operation and to recognize undesirable conditions.
Observe these warning messages promptly in order to avoid
Error message
Error messages are displayed if safe operation or sterilization
security is not guaranteed.
These can appear on the →display shortly after switching on
the steam sterilizer or while a program is running.
The program is aborted if a malfunction occurs during a
program run.
Danger of infection!
If a program is aborted during the sterilization phase, the
load is unsterile. Repackage and repeat the sterilization
for the respective →items to be sterilized.
Non-observance endangers the health of your patients
and the practice team.
The error message is then shown on the display in alternation
with the current program phase (
Pressure release
). After the program abort or termination,
the error message is shown on the display in alternation with
the message
カクニン スルタメニ '-' キー ヲ オシテクタ゛
フ゜ロク゛ラムカ゛ テイシ サレマシタ
. In order to
delete the error message, press the K