10. Tap ‘Ok’ in the next pop-up …
11. If Bluetooth is not yet enabled the ‘Bluetooth disabled’ pop-up will show. If so,
tap ‘Enable’, else continue to step 12 ...
12. If a ‘Connection failed’ notice is shown tap ‘Try again’ until connection is made
(make sure Bluetooth on you device is enabled
13. The ‘Select your devices and configure you lift truck’ shows a list of detected
ReachControl sensors. Check the boxes for the sensors installed on the
current equipment. To the right of every device the signal strength of the
Bluetooth connection is shown. If multiple sensors are within reach, check the
signal strength on the right side to find determine the correct sensor based on
proximity. Lower negative numbers means closer sensor (example -85 =
strong signal, -35 = weak signal). After selection tap ‘>’ ...
14. Provide a name for the set of sensors (for instance a lift truck number) and tap
‘>’ …
Multiple sets of sensors can be stored under different names on the same
Android or iOS device allowing for use the same device on multiple lift trucks.
15. Tap each sensor in the list in turn to start their calibration wizard. Follow the on
screen instructions for calibrating the different sensors. Tap ‘Next’ after each
instruction is completed and input values whenever the wizard asks for it. Each
wizard contains fail saves to prevent wrong input from the user and sensor. If
an error is give, please restart the calibration wizard. Tap ‘ Finish’ at the end of
each wizard to store the calibration data. Make sure all sensors is the list are
checked before continuing. Tap ‘Start the app’.