PN: 81127
Rev 4, 6/2017
When a breaker or time curve is selected the time curve characteristic will appear in this display window.
Select Breaker Curve button
Press this button to select a time curve. See 3.5.2 Advanced Pickup and Timing Setup for details.
Frame Size, Sensitivity Rating, Band and Pickup windows
Click or press the provided windows to enter the frame size, sensitivity rating, Band setting and Pickup %
of the breaker under test. These values will be used in the testing and evaluation of the breaker. For
example, when you change the Band setting you will note in the displayed time curve characteristic the
tolerance band will move accordingly with the change.
Pickup and Timing Test Selection windows
Here is where the tests get executed by the user using the blue Play buttons. This is similar to the blue
Play button in the manual test screen. There are two types of tests listed, Pickup and Timing. The
Timing test Multiple (Mult) is automatically selected for the user depending on which breaker element is
being tested. There are two play buttons for each phase, As Found, and As Left.
Automated Pickup Tests
This feature is used to do pickup tests on breakers equipped with solid-state Long Time, Short Time,
Instantaneous, and Ground Fault trip devices. With a breaker curve selected, the output current will start
automatically ramping when the Pickup blue play button is pressed or clicked on. For the LTD and STD
pickup tests the user will be instructed to press or click on the Simulate Contact button when the
appropriate breaker Pickup LED lights. The current will start at 80% of the Sensor Multiple Setting * the
Sensor Rating * Pickup Value. The current will continue to ramp up based upon the Pickup Ramp Rate
setting until the Simulator Button is pressed, or Max Current or Max time settings are reached. For
Instantaneous and Ground Fault pickup tests the output current will Pulse Ramp based upon the Pickup
Ramp Rate, Pulse On Duration, and Pulse Off Duration settings. The current will start Pulse Ramping at
80% of the Sensor Rating * Pickup Value. The output current will be the incremented value for the Pulse
On duration time, before going back to the prefault state. The output will then stay at the prefault value
for the Pulse Off time before progressing to the next increment level until the breaker operates, or Max
Current is reached.
Automated Timing Tests
For Long Time Delay elements the default test multiple is 3 times the Sensor Rating * Sensor Multiple *
Pickup. For Short Time Delay elements the default test multiple is 1.5 times the Sensor Rating * Sensor
Multiple * Pickup. To change the test multiple; press or click in the Multiple Window and enter the desired
value. Up to three test points can be performed and recorded. To see all three default multiples, press or
click on the
symbol in the Timing Window next to the Multiplier window. The default Multiples are 3, 5,
and 7.
Help Button
Press this button to access the built-in manual for help,