PN: 81127
Rev 4, 6/2017
screen by clicking the SPI icon on the Instrument Selection screen (Figure 12). Un-checking the Auto
Discover Unit box will enable the IP address entry box (shown highlighted in red in Figure 12).
The AutoConfig IP address of the SPI225 unit can be found on the nameplate of the unit.
Figure 12 - PowerDB Instrument Configuration Screen
Set Date and Time*
Press this button to set the Date and Time in the STVI. This information is critical for saving tests and test
results using the internal file manager. The PC version uses the PC time and date.
Number Format*
Press this button to set the decimal point number format either as a period or as a comma.
Adjust Screen Brightness*
The brightness is adjustable on the STVI. The display will always be visible since hardware limits the
brightness from becoming too bright or too dark to be seen. Press this button and use the Control Knob
to increase or decrease the brightness. For the PC version use the PC screen controls to adjust the
Select this button to set up the logging with the STVI. The log will store a record of the commands sent to
the SPI unit from the STVI (used when troubleshooting).
Screen Exit