Service Manual - medifa 8000
Before replacing the way measurement system for the transverse shifting, the table top has to be taken off. For
further help please see
Chapter III „Removing the Table Top“.
Also remove the crusting protector and loosen the expansion bellows, as stated in
Chapter IV “Removing the
Crusting protector“
Chapter VI „ Loosening the expansion bellows“.
Do as follows:
First, remove the two fastening screws of the way measure-
ment system on the upper base plate.
Now take off the upper base plate!
For further help please see
Chapter VIII „ Replacing the Hyd-
raulic Cylinder (Transverse Shifting).
The way measurement system is now hanging on the back
of the upper base plate.
Retrace the cable to the connection of the expansion bel-
lows holder.
By opening the cable clamps, the cables can be easily remo-
Be sure to install the cables as provided by the manufacturer
to prevent problems with the shifting devices.
Before remounting the upper base plate the way measure-
ment system has to be fixed to the back of the upper base
Please see Chapter X „Installation of the Upper Base Plate“.
X. Replacing the Way Measurement System
(Transverse Shifting)
fig. 61:
fig. 62+63: