Installation and Operation Manual
Chapter 1 General Information
Application Considerations
If you are using automatic frame allocation, special precautions must be taken to
ensure proper operation of the link:
In general, the two MX-2100 units must be identically equipped. Both units must
include the same modules with the following exceptions:
– The KLS.1 in the local MX-2100 unit can work with the KLS.2 in the
– The KVF.4 in the local MX-2100 unit can work with the KVF.5 in the
– The KMBE in the local MX-2100 unit can work with the KHS.2 in the
– The KVF.6 in the local MX-2100 unit can work with the KVF.8 in the
The order of the modules must be the same in both units, and their connections to
main link modules must be the same.
The modules and module channels installed in the two MX-2100 units must be
identically configured, except for parameters that control local interfacing
characteristics, such as the channel interface type, the timing modes, etc.
After each change of configuration that affects the bandwidth utilization, e.g.,
addition of a new channel, selection of a mode that requires end-to-end signaling,
etc., perform the REBUILD FRAME command on both MX-2100 units.
Table 1-1. MX-2100 Multiplexing Data
Main Link Rate Frame Length Bandwidth
Allocation Unit
Bandwidth Available
to User
9.6 kbps
24 bits
0.4 kbps
9.2 kbps (23 units)
14.4 kbps
36 bits
0.4 kbps
14.0 kbps (35 units)
19.2 kbps
48 bits
0.4 kbps
18.8 kbps (47 units)
28.8 kbps
72 bits
0.4 kbps
28.4 kbps (71 units)
32 kbps
80 bits
0.4 kbps
31.6 kbps (79 units)
48 kbps
60 bits
0.8 kbps
47.2 kbps (59 units)
56 kbps
70 bits
0.8 kbps
55.2 kbps (69 units)
64 kbps
80 bits
0.8 kbps
63.2 kbps (79 units)
128 kbps
160 bits
0.8 kbps
127.2 kbps (159 units)
192 kbps
240 bits
0.8 kbps
191.2 kbps (239 units)
256 kbps
160 bits
1.6 kbps
254.4 kbps (159 units)
384 kbps
240 bits
1.6 kbps
382.4 kbps (239 units)
512 kbps
160 bits
3.2 kbps
508.8 kbps (159 units)
768 kbps
240 bits
3.2 kbps
764.8 kbps (239 units)
1024 kbps
160 bits
6.4 kbps
1004.8 kbps (157 units)
1536 kbps
240 bits
6.4 kbps
1516.8 kbps (237 units)
The allocation of bandwidth is performed in distinct units. The bandwidth
allocation unit (BAU) is 0.4, 0.8, 1.6, 3.2 or 6.4 kbps, in accordance with the main
link data rate (see