9.5 froNT roller rePlaCemeNT
1) Remove the motor cover as outlined in Section 9.1.
2) Using a hook or loop of wire, remove the spring from the drive belt tensioner. The tensioner should now pivot away from the drive belt
(Figures A & B).
3) Remove the front roller mounting screws using an 8 mm Allen wrench (Figures C & D).
4) Remove the drive belt from the front roller and remove the roller from the running belt (Figure E).
5) Reverse Steps 1-4 to install a new front roller.
6) Tension the running belt as outlined in Section 3.6.
fiGUre a
fiGUre b
fiGUre C
fiGUre d
fiGUre e
CHaPTer 9: ParT rePlaCemeNT GUide