8.7 029f error TroUbleSHooTiNG
error meSSaGe 029f
1) SymPTom:
a. Motor over temperature.
2) SolUTioN:
a. Check the connection of the motor cable at the MCB (Figure A).
b. Use a multi-meter to check the motor wire circuit. Set the multi-meter to Ohms and place both terminals on the blue wires of the
motor cable (Figure B). There should be an Ohm reading of 0. If there is an Ohm reading above 0, replace the motor. If the Ohm reading is 0,
replace the MCB.
fiGUre b
fiGUre a
8.8 02ad error TroUbleSHooTiNG
error meSSaGe 02ad
1) SymPTom:
a. MCB is over temperature.
2) SolUTioN:
a. Check to see that both fans are operating (there is a fan mounted to the MCB itself as well as an external fan). Also check the
connection of the fans at the MCB (Figure A).
b. If the fans are running correctly, replace the MCB.
fiGUre a
CHaPTer 8: TroUbleSHooTiNG