8.17 eNTerTaiNmeNT TroUbleSHooTiNG – PiCTUre fUZZy or UNClear
1. Usingaverifiedgoodpieceofcoaxcable(agoodcoaxcablewillhaveasignalstrengthof10hzorgreater),removetheconsolebackcover
(Figure A) and hook the coax directly to the TV jack on the tuner. This bypasses internal connections for your machine (Figure B).
2. Checkyourinternalcablesandfittingsinsideyourmachineattheconsole(FigureB)andbelowthemotorcover(FigureC).Makesureyou
3. Ifnodamagecanbefoundoncables,fittings,orconnectorsbeginreplacingcablesandconnectorswithknowngoodpartsuntilthe
damaged part is found. It is also possible that the console tuner is damaged, replace as needed.
fiGUre a
fiGUre b
fiGUre C
fiGUre d
CHaPTer 8: TroUbleSHooTiNG