8.9 02b2 error TroUbleSHooTiNG
error meSSaGe 02b2
1) SymPTom:
a. The emergency circuit on the interface board active.
2) SolUTioN:
a. Check the connection of the safety key (emergency stop) switch (Figure A). If the switch is always open or shorted out, replace the
b. If the emergency stop does not resolve the issue, replace the console.
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8.10 02b9 / 02ba / 02bd error TroUbleSHooTiNG
error meSSaGe 02b9 / 02ba / 02bd
1) SymPTom:
a. 02B9 - The inner memory IC data write error.
b. 02BA - The inner memory IC data read error.
c. 02BD - Inverter hardware interrupt error.
2) SolUTioN:
a. Check LED DSP1 (MCU) on the MCB (Figure A).
b. If this LED is blinking, replace the console.
c. If this LED is a constant light, replace the MCB.
d. If this LED is not lit at all, check the power to the MCB.
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CHaPTer 8: TroUbleSHooTiNG