9.3 rUNNiNG deCk rePlaCemeNT
1) Remove the motor cover as outlined in Section 9.1.
2) Remove the four running deck screws using a 5 mm Allen wrench (Figure A).
3) Remove the running deck from the running belt (Figures B & C).
Be careful not to pinch fingers during removal / installation of the
running deck.
4) Reverse Steps 1-3 to install a new running deck.
The running deck is waxed on both sides so the opposite side surface may be
usable. New running deck surfaces must ALWAYS be matched to a new running belt.
5) Tension the running belt as outlined in Section 3.6.
fiGUre a
fiGUre b
fiGUre C
CHaPTer 9: ParT rePlaCemeNT GUide