3.4 ToUCH SCreeN Care & CleaNiNG
CHaPTer 3: PreVeNTaTiVe maiNTeNaNCe
ToUCH SCreeN Care aNd CleaNiNG
* The touch screen requires very little maintenance. We recommend that you periodically clean the touch screen surface with a clean dry 100%
lint free cloth and water / soap mixture or a computer or LCD / LED screen cleaner.
* It is very important to avoid using any other chemical on the touch screen.
* Always dampen the cloth and clean the screen. Do not spray the water / soap mixture on the screen itself, the drips can seep into the display
or stain the bezel.
* After cleaning, make sure the surface is dry. There should not be any left over solvent to seep into the display.
* It is very important to handle the touch screen with care. Do not use excessive force when cleaning.
* Do not use any sharp materials to clean the touch screen surfaces.
* Do not use high pressure air, water, or steam to clean the touch screen surface.