8.15 TroUbleSHooTiNG - SPeed SHoWN iS HiGHer THaN belT SPeed
1) SymPTom:
a. The unit speed does not match the console display.
2) SolUTioN:
a. Perform an amp draw on the incoming power (see Field Work Instruction - Running an Amp Draw on Matrix Treadmills).
b. If the amp draw is too high regardless if a user is present or not, the issue is likely with the drive system (drive belt or motor).
- Make sure that there is enough tension from the idler on the drive belt so that it is not slipping.
- Check the rotation of the motor to find any dead spots or a wobble in the motor axle.
- Check the condition of the drive belt. Look for any wear or tears. Replace as needed.
c. If the amp draw is too high with a user, the issue is likely with the deck / running belt.
- Inspect the running deck for sticky or worn spots. If any wear is seen, flip the deck (it is waxed on both sides). A new running belt
should be installed any time a running deck is flipped.
- Replace the running belt.
SCreeN SHoWS a HiGH SPeed, bUT THe belT moViNG SloWer THaN SHoWN
CHaPTer 8: TroUbleSHooTiNG