LA Fitness MI310X User Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for MI310X

Page 1: ...t3 0x Mt4 t0x Congratulations onthepurchase ofyourof a newmotorized treadmill Tohelptoensure theenjoyable andtfouble free opelation ofyournewtreadmill westrongly suggest youreadthismanual carefully andfollowitsrecommendations ...

Page 2: ...a Keep unplugged andhave thesafety keyoutof achofchildren when nolinusetoprcveni accidents a Keeg eleclrical cordawav fom heated surfaces Keep hands clear ofalimoving parts Nevet place hands orieetundef a Each trneyouusethetreadmi I check thaitherunning beliisalgned andcentefed onlheireadmill base andaIvisible fasteners onlhe lreadmill afesutrcienty ljghiened andsecur d Besure ihatthearcaarcund th...

Page 3: ... lt4ake surcihaiyouEmove allparts packaged undem aih ihelteadmilL Youmayneed b slighlly pickupthe back ofthel eadmill togetbetter accsss toihepads onthebotorn Youwilnolice thatthetreadmill iscompletely assembled excepl lorlhe handle bars andlhedisolav window t l l ll a 7 Parts l B Supporl Handle C HandJebar DrConsole F1 PCBPlug F2 PCBW rc G1 Hand Pulss Plug G2 HandPulse Wirc H LeftCover l RightCov...

Page 4: ...illustration 2 connect PcBwnes _ 3 conneclhard purse wn s qt g 4 connectlhe speedConlrolwn s 8 O 5 connectthe IncLine Conlrolwnes Noteinserterc6 wnilginto ghtsideoiconsoletube 6 Fix nsole onbracket bylghlening 4 sc wsZ FrG 5 MakesuE allthe cables sircs are notplnched En the console scr iirs ae lighlen d STEP4 Complete assembly 1 4ak suresd racks arentedpropeny onhandlebars Lr necessary rclaleconso...

Page 5: ...lhebox remove allplastic bags andlhenlaythem outontheffoor tobecome tamiliar wilhlhecomponents I 4ake suelhalyourernove al paft packaged undemealh ihetreadmill Youmayne d ioslightly pickupthe back oflhelreadmill logetbetler a ess lolheparts onthebottom You willnolice thatlhstreadmill iscomplelely assemblod ex pt forthe handle ba sandlhedisolav window 7 Parts B Support Handle C Handlebar D Console ...

Page 6: ... Connecl PcBwnes O O 3 Conn cthand oulse w i s 6 6n 4 confecttheSpe d contm r6i 5 connoctihenclino contmLwir s Noielnsert exe widng into dghtsid olconroletube 6 Fixconsole onbrackel bytightsning 4 sc ews lA and2 sc ws lS FrG 5 Make sursallihecables wires arenolpinched enenihe consoh sd aEiightened STEP4 Complete assembly 1 Make suresideracks arefitted propedv onhandlebars ll nscessary rotate nsole...

Page 7: ... nodebefore sbrting This wjlldecrease lhespeed byoneind ment alaline IODE r This willaccepl prog ams le ls seleclion And this willswitch display dahonbe data window dufing your exercise RESET This wilt reset prcgrams Ouickkeysfor incline 4 6 8 10 increment Ouickke Efor speed 4 6 8 1 0knvhr or3 4 5 6 mph Right handlebd For speed adjuslment Increase ord crease by0 1 rrl hor0 1mph every lime eudio in...

Page 8: ...a a a I Ml3loxAudioin out Optlon E8 BBB I trj I L l f i35 a l li sy L 1 0 0 ss Ei 5 E ih 5 G l l E L i rr li 1 1 T_ _l l t l T z ari x s E E E E N B li o o l EEEBEBE Ml4lox Audioin out Oplion ...

Page 9: ...by1min P1 P10 You canprcss he 4ODE buton toertertinesetting raihinP1 P10 InP11 ousetthedistance Speed confol P1 P5 1 When inprogram selting press theSPEED up down lNCLl Eup down bulton lochooGe desired program 2 Plgss he MODE button b move b prcfle sening press heSPEED up do n l CLl Eup do n button tosetlevels lncline contrcl P6 P10 1 When inprogram setling p essthe SPEED up down l CLIIE up down b...

Page 10: ...n tousethetargetHR chartforyoursettings Useupanddownfordesired setting Default 114bpm 80 180bpm 5 PressheIODE bltton forSpeed useupanddowntogetyourdesired speed 6 Press lheSTART STOP bL on theWarmupfunction willrunfor3 minutes at3 km hor2 mphandatthe incline levelof 5 7 AftertheWarmupisfinished theprogram willstartandwillcheck yourheartrateafter5 seconds B lf il doesnotreadtheheaftfatesignal in30s...

Page 11: ...atefor25seconds Thenyouwillbe ableto readyourBodyMassIndex lfthe console can treadit E4willshowonthescreen BodyMassProgran BodyMasslrdex B M l is a scientific measurc thatu6estheratioof height andweight lt isa general mea sureof healthrisk butdoesnottakeintoaccount leanbodymass 46 a result a healthy muscular individual withverylowbodyfatcanbeclassified asoveMeight Thefollowing arethegeneral rangeo...

Page 12: ... 3 5 7 8 9 Interval 12 2 3 4 2 3 2 3 4 1 2 3 2 3 SPEEDPRoG RAM ltll rtlltrtl rllilllllh rlllllllllr illlllluil tI llllI rvetn r PRoGRAM rlJll rllllhrll rllllllllilII ilrllllilil r l l l r r l 1 rIlllllllltrI II CLI1 E PROGRAM P6 P7 PA P9 P t0 P11 L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 LI L2 L3 L L2 L3 LI L2 L3 Interval I 2 3 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 1 2 3 2 3 lnterval2 2 3 4 3 4 5 5 6 3 4 5 7 8 9 4 5 6 lnterval3 3 4 5...

Page 13: ...82 4 Interval 7 1 82 4 3 04 3 4 9 5 5 4 3 4 9 5 5 4 9 5 5 6 1 1 2 1 82 4 Interval g 2 4 3 0 4 9 5 5 6 1 4 3 4 5 4 3 4 9 5 5 5 5 6 1 Interval 9 1 82 4 3 04 9 6 1 3 13 7 4 3 4 34 9 5 5 5 5 6 1 Interval lO 1 2 1 82 4 3 7 4 3 4 9 2 4 3 0 4 3 4 9 1 2 1 82 4 Interval tl 1 2 1 82 4 2 4 3 03 61 82 4 3 0 1 82 4 3 04 34 9 lnterval l2 1 2 2 4 1 2 1 82 4 1 82 4 0 6 1 2 1 80 6 1 2 1 8 INCLINE PROGRAM P6 P7 PA ...

Page 14: ...a chest pain orother abnormal symptoms orarcund lhetreadmill during use Always uselhehandrall when stspping onoroffhe t eadrnill and when changing incline orspeed SIOP immediaiely Consult aphysician before continuing use Bebre completing an exercise Atthe end ofevery exercise session sesion always always 1 Allow limeioslow yourpace coodown duceyourhieaf rate 1 Renove thesaf iy keyiom theconsole to...

Page 15: ...gned andequipped wilhwh ols fof easy mobililrBefore moving ensurc ihemaster power switch isi he OFF position andlhepow6r cordisunplugged Lifrthebase frame ofihet eadmill aid thenml ihetieadmill 10ihedesired Aligning therunningbeft 1l Runningbeltlubrication 1l Ensu lherunning betiscenler d onyou lrcadmiil atalltimes Runn ngstyle andanon leve surface areiro inslances thatrnay cause lhebelt todifroff...

Page 16: ...ylhesiicone dowrandacrcss he bet fromeach comer Rotate theb lt1 2ofthecrcumference andrepeal iromeach comer Noter Whenlubricaling thebelt mak surctheAeadmill islocated onasurface thatcanbeeasilycleaned Afterlubricating yourtreadmill running belt clean anyexcess silicone offlhebellandframe 7 Cleaning It srcmmmended towpelhelrcadmil down afrer eachusetokeep thetfeadmil clean anddryAmiddetergent mayb...

Page 17: ...C seriesnLmberi tis cotr ct To solvethe problem pl aseEpa lhe EEPROM C 4 Peaseconlactvour localdstribLtor for technicalseryce E6 1 Reconnecl lheblack bleand d cable ol iheincinemotorTosovetheproblem pl ass conlrary Bconn ct ihecabl 2 Reconnecllhesigna cabeofincline motor Tosolv lheproblem please ortrary reconnect thecabeorrepacelhe 3 Peas conlact vourocaldislributor iortechnical seryce E7 l Check ...
