All units off.
Electricity is shut off
1. Check and restore power to all PCTV
Users cannot sign in. Affects all units.
Gateway or Internet service is not connected
1. Check power and Cat-6 connections on
the Netpulse Gateway in server room or
electrical closet. Restore as needed.
2. Check power and connections to
Internet Router; reset Router (remove
power for 15 seconds, then restore) if
no activity.
3. Check PCTV machines again.
4. (If wired) Check if GREEN LED is lit
where Ethernet cable plugs into the
5. If problem persists, contact Matrix
Technical Support.
One Unit. No Power to screen.
Machine unplugged or failed power cable
1. Reconnect power at outlet or PCTV
2. Contact Matrix Technical Support.
One unit will not boot up.
Unit may be broken
1. Contact Matrix Technical Support.
One unit. Can’t sign on. (
Check other
units for problem.)
Machine has lost connection to Gateway
1. Check all Internet connections between
machine and Gateway.
2. Reboot unit.
3. Test unit to ensure it is working.
4. Contact Matrix Technical Support.
One unit. Black screen.
Loose power connection
1. Check power connections. Check
AC power connection to wall adapter.
Check DC power connection to side
access area of console. Check DC
in-line connection between wall adapter
and treadmill pre-threaded internal
2. Shut down unit and restart unit.
3. Test unit to ensure it is working.
4. Check if RED LED is lit on front lower
corner. LED on indicates 12V is present
from the wall adapter.
5. Check that the GREEN LED is on. LED
on indicates CPU board is powered up.
Try pressing and releasing the button
on the bottom center of the console to
toggle the CPU power on function.
6. Contact Matrix Support.
Unit did not completely boot or is otherwise
Console CPU is locked up
1. Press and hold the reset button on the
back of the console for 10 seconds to
force a console reboot.
If a problem with a Netpulse-compatible machine is seen, follow the directions in this troubleshooting guide to solve the problem. If the problem
cannot be resolved, call Netpulse at: 877-NETPULSE (638-7857).