User’s Manual
Page 68 of 113
The Tx configuration screen appears as shown in the figure below:
Figure 84: Tx Configuration Screen
The remote and local HDBaseT transceivers are identified
as either transmitter or receiver
displayed at the top of the page.
The system correctly identifies the local and remote transceivers
even when both are transmitters or both
are receivers.
Tap on either the local or the remote entity to display configuration information (read only):
FW Ver.
The HDBaseT chip’s firmware v
Pixel Clock.
The clock frequency of the video transmission. The Pixel Clock values in the
receiver and transmitter screens should be similar.
Chip Class.
Class of HDBaseT chip, according to the HDBaseT Standard.
Chip Type.
The chip model/part number.
Supported System Features.
The interfaces that are extended by the chip over the HDBaseT
link, such as: Ethernet, RS232, IR (Infrared support provided by the chip).
Link Status.
HDBaseT or No link.
System Mode.
Specifies whether Operating Mode changes are performed automatically or
Operating Mode.
Current HDBaseT operating mode
HDBaseT, LPPF1/2, Disconnect, FB
(Ethernet Fallback), or Bypass Mode.