L-INX User Manual
Version 4.0
LOYTEC electronics GmbH
1 Introduction
1.1 Overview
The L-INX product family consists of high performance, reliable and secure network
infrastructure components that implement an embedded automation server. The different
models of the L-INX family contain a number of components and network technologies. As
protocols on the control network side, the L-INX implements access to BACnet, CEA-709,
Modbus, and M-Bus.
Data from the supported network technologies are available as data points in the automation
server. Those data points are freely configurable via configuration software, which provides
a fast and easy way to configure the L-INX using online network scans, import/export
features or device templates. Data points between different network technologies can be
connected to each other for data transfer between those network technologies (gateway).
Data points are also subject to alarming, trending and scheduling (AST) functions of the
automation server. The usage of math objects allows basic calculations and the built-in E-
mail client allows the L-INX to transmit E-mails on certain conditions. Generated alarms
can be configured to send e-mails to predefined addresses. Alarms can also be stored in a
alarm log.
Trended data collected by the L-INX is available in CSV format and
through a dedicated Web service.
An embedded OPC server exposes a defined set of data points as OPC tags. It implements
the OPC XML-DA standard OPC XML-DA 1.01, which lets OPC clients access the data
points via Web services. Which native data points are exposed to OPC can also be
configured by the configuration software. AST objects such as schedules are exposed as a
set of OPC tags. Using the supplied L-WEB designer, users can easily generate a Web-
based visualization for the LINX.
The L-INX contains a freely programmable controller that can operate on all L-INX data
points. The controller application is developed using the provided IEC-61131 compliant
design tool.
The device permanently collects statistical information from the attached network channels
(OPC connections, FT traffic, MS/TP token passing, Ethernet traffic, etc.). Using this data,
the device is able to detect problems on these channels (overload, lost tokens, connection
problems, etc.) and warns the system operator via LEDs (see Section 3.4). An intuitive user
interface allows fast and easy network troubleshooting without any additional analysis tools
or deep system knowledge.
The built-in Web server allows convenient device configuration through a standard Web
browser such as the Internet Explorer or Firefox. The Web interface also provides statistics
information for system installation and network troubleshooting. Some L-INX devices also
have an LCD display, which provides a quick way to configure basic settings of the device