myTEM Radio Server
The myTEM Radio Server is a universal, Z-Wave
compatible, smart home controller. It can control vari-
ous devices within the Z-Wave radio network and/or
myTEM Smart Home modules via CAN bus.
The myTEM Radio Server is the heart of your intelli-
gent home. You have access to the controller via the
very simple, user-friendly myTEM Smart Home App or
via the extremely powerful myTEM ProgTool. These
access options allow you to assign suitable tasks and
functions to all devices and to set them up for your
needs. Depending on your needs, you can customize
your home using predefined scenes or completely
individually according to your wishes.
Further information can be found on our website:
This device is not a toy. Please keep it away from
children and animals!
Please read the manual before attempting to in-
stall the device!
These instructions are part of the product and
must remain with the end user.
Warning and safety instructions
This word indicates a hazard with a risk that, if not
avoided, can result in death or serious injury. Work on
the device must only be carried out by persons with
the necessary training or instruction.
This word warns of possible damage to property.
Version: 30/2021
Operate this device only as described in the manual.
Do not operate this device if it has obvious damage.
This device shall not be altered, modified or opened.
This device is intended for use in buildings in a dry,
dust-free location.
This device is intended for a flat surface or for wall
All rights reserved. This is a translation from the original
version in German.
This manual may not be reproduced in any format, either
in whole or in part, nor may it be duplicated or edited by
electronic, mechanical or chemical means, without the
written consent of the publisher.
The manufacturer, TEM AG, is not liable for any loss or
damage caused by failure to follow the instructions in this
Typographical and printing errors cannot be excluded.
However, the information contained in this manual is
reviewed on a regular basis and any necessary correc-
tions will be implemented in the next edition. We accept
no liability for technical or typographical errors or the
consequences thereof. Changes may be made without
prior notice as a result of technical advances. TEM AG
reserves the right to make changes to product design,
layout and driver revisions without notice to its users. This
version of the manual supersedes all previous versions.
myTEM and TEM are registered trademarks. All other
product names mentioned herein may be trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective companies.
What is Z-Wave
Z-Wave is the international wireless protocol for commu-
nication in the smart home. Z-Wave ensures a reliable
communication by reconfirming every message (
) and every mains powered node can act
as a repeater for other nodes (
meshed network
) in case
the receiver is not in direct wireless range of the transmit-
products from different manufacturers can be
used together
in a wireless network. Thus, this product
with any Z-Wave product from other manufacturers can
be used in a common Z-Wave wireless network.
The myTEM Radio Server is a Z-Wave device with
cure communication (S2)
and uses the radio frequency
of 868.4 MHz. If other devices also support the same
secure communication, the data is exchanged in this
secure mode. Otherwise it will switch automatically to a
lower level of security to maintain backward compatibility.
For more information about frequency regulations please
refer to the homepage of
. For more infor-
mation about Z-Wave technology, devices, tutorials, etc.
please refer to
Installation of the myTEM Smart Home App
The myTEM Smart Home App is available for download
from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store. Se-
lect the App and install it directly from the store to your
The myTEM Smart Home App
You want to control the light or the temperatures in the
building easily and comfortably. You want to check
whether your home is in good order and that no devices
consume power unnecessarily. A quick glance at your
myTEM Smart Home App is enough and it lets you take
appropriate steps to change something.
The myTEM Smart Home App is designed to be easy to
use, to help you configure your devices and create per-
sonal "feel-good" scenes. You can also use it to monitor
your power consumption and reduce it if necessary.
The home screen presents itself as below:
The "App setup mode" helps you to commission radio
components. The required procedure is described in the
wizard of the app.
Views on the myTEM Smart Home App
Under DEMO you can access a demonstration project,
where the functionality of the App is presented.
The star symbolizes the favorites view:
The network icon shows the function view:
The floor plan symbol shows the room view:
© TEM AG; Triststrasse 8; CH
– 7007 Chur