Logosol Absolute Positioning Servo Drive LS-173AP
Doc # 712173008 / Rev. 1.06, 05/09/2002
Logosol, Inc.
1155 Tasman Drive
Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Tel: (408) 744-0974
www.logosolinc.com 27
Set Homing Mode
Command value: 0x9
Number of data bytes: 1
Command byte:
Data bytes:
1. Homing control byte
Bit 0: Not used. Must be set to 0.
1: Not used. Must be set to 0.
2 Turn motor off on home
3: Capture home on change of Index
4: Stop abruptly on home
5: Stop smoothly on home
6: Capture home position when an excess position error occurs
7: Not used. Must be set to 0.
Causes the Drive to monitor the specified conditions and capture the home position when any
of the flagged conditions occur. The home_in_progress bit in the status byte is set when this
command is issued and it is then lowered the home position has been found. Setting one (and
only one) of bits 2, 4 or 5 will cause the motor to stop automatically in the specified manner
once the home condition has been triggered.
Set Baud Rate
Command value: 0xA
sample values
Number of data bytes: 1
9600 BRD = 0x81
Command byte:
19200 BRD = 0x3F
Data bytes
: 57600 BRD = 0x14
1. Baud rate divisor, BRD
115200 BRD = 0x0A
Sets the communication baud rate. All drives on the network must have their baud rates
changed at the same time; therefore this command should only be issued to a group including
all of the controllers on the network. A status packet returned from this command would be at
the new baud rate, so typically (unless the host’s baud rate can be accurately synchronized)
there should be no group leader when this command is issued.
Clear Sticky Bits
Command value: 0xB
Number of data bytes: 0
Command byte:
The position error bit in the status byte and the position wrap, and servo timer overrun bits in
the auxiliary status byte will stay set unless cleared explicitly with this command.