Logosol Absolute Positioning Servo Drive LS-173AP
Doc # 712173008 / Rev. 1.06, 05/09/2002
Logosol, Inc.
1155 Tasman Drive
Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Tel: (408) 744-0974
www.logosolinc.com 23
Set Address
Command value: 0x1
Number of data bytes: 2
Command byte:
Data bytes:
1. Individual address: 0x01-0x7F (initial address 0x00)
2. Group Address: 0x80-0xFF (initial value 0xFF)
Sets the individual address and group address. Group addresses are always interpreted as
being between 0x80 and 0xFF. If a Drive is to be a group leader, clear bit 7 of the desired
group address in the second data byte. The module will automatically set bit 7 internally after
flagging the Drive as a group leader. (If bit 7 of the second data byte is set, the module will
default to being a group member.) The first time this command is issued after power-up or
reset, it will also enable communications for the next Drive in the network chain by lowering
the it’s “A out” signal.
Define Status
Command value: 0x2
Number of data bytes: 1
Command byte:
Data bytes:
1. Status items: (default: 0x00)
Bit 0: send position (4 bytes)
1: send A/D value (1 byte)
2: send actual velocity (2 bytes - no fractional component)
3: send auxiliary status byte (1 byte)
4: send home position (4 bytes)
5: send device ID and version number (2 bytes)
(LS-173AP controller device ID = 90, version number = 1 or higher)
6: send current position error (2 bytes)
7: don’t care
Defines what additional data will be sent in the status packet along with the status byte.
Setting bits in the command’s data byte will cause the corresponding additional data bytes to
be sent after the status byte. The status data will always be sent in the order listed. For
example if bits 0 and 3 are set, the status packet will consist of the status byte followed by four
bytes of position data, followed by the aux. status byte, followed by the checksum. The status
packet returned in response to this command will include the additional data bytes specified.
On power-up or reset, the default status packet will include only the status byte, and the
checksum byte.
The actual velocity is a positive number when moving in reverse direction and a
negative number when moving in forward direction.
A/D value is the value, measured by the external voltage source (potentiometer).