For All Installations
The wrong encryption passphrase may have been used to program the
LNI 2000;
The monitoring station may be “down”; or
The customer’s Internet connection may be down.
IP Monitoring LED
This LED indicates that the LNI 2000 alarm relays are set to communicate an
alarm to the central station over the Internet.
This LED will light after the connection to the LNS is established (see IP Link
LED above) and relays in the LNI 2000 are set for Internet alarm monitoring.
This LED will flash every time the panel sends Alarm/Restore Alarm.
Port LEDs
The “Local” and “Internet” ports have paired LEDs (one pair for each port) that
indicate Ethernet transmission activity. These LEDs will be on when there is a
physical connection to the modem/router and both devices are on.
LoBenn Network Interface 2000 Installation Manual