User’s guide
The torch retracts up fully after ohmic detection of
the material, and the Run Job button becomes avail
Clear the surface of the material from any corrosion
that could hinder ohmic detection.
Check that the torch lead is not getting pulled tight
on the way down to the surface of the material.
Check for the torch pushing against the plate
deflecting it before stopping and retracting.
The torch collides with the material after 2 cm of cut.
The torch cuts too high above the plate to cut.
Check that the pierce and cut height are set to the
recommended values.
Check that the height control mode is set to Auto and
not Manual.
Check that the Sample voltage function is set to ON.
Check for dross near the piercing points that may
interfere with the torch sensing the plate.
The torch does not appear to maintain a consistent
cut height with the material, which warps.
Check that the height control mode is set to Auto and
not Manual.
Check that the Sample voltage function is set to ON
If the part involves very complex geometry, the sys
tem may be in a Lockout Mode for extended periods
of time.
Login as Admin, go to Machine Settings, and on the
Basic tab, change the Distance to Corner value to
Software faults: (continued)