User’s guide
VMD allows you to nest irregular parts. That means that you can import DXF and DWG files without needing
offsite CAM software to generate the proper G-Code. NESTING will apply kerf correction and the Lead in
value to all features. Also, it will generate the closest nest available for the size of material you enter in.
Start by clicking the NESTING
button, and NESTED JOB LIST will
be displayed on the screen.
To start a new nest, press NESTED
Select NEW NESTED JOB and the
ADD NESTED JOB dialogue box
In this dialogue box, enter a name for
your nest in NESTED JOB NAME. This
will become the file name of your job. The
dialogue boxes below offer pull-down lists
Find the thickness of the material you plan
to cut along with the size of the piece
Select the table/plasma cutter you are
using along with the amperage appropriate
for the application and press SAVE