User’s guide
When you have a GM format file to run or shape generated in the VMD ready to cut there is a simple process
to follow to get the job produced though the VMD. This will go over the workflow for running the job.
When you start Visual Machine Designer for the first time and are
connected to the Accumove controller, you need to load the machine
configuration and switch on the motors. A screen displays PLEASE
SWITCH DRIVES ON. Press HIDE and then in the lower left corner
press DATUM. The Torch will travel to the limits of the machine and
establish the MACHINE ZERO.
Open a job:
Once the MACHINE ZERO has been established it is time to open a
job and get it prepared to cut. Press SELECT JOB and locate your
Set up the process:
In the PROCESS SETUP tab, enter the material
thickness and the amperage to be used for cutting.
That will complete the CUT SETUP with the preset
parameters for the thickness/current pair.
If you use a material thickness parameter that is
different from that to be
cut, the result will not comply with the specifications!