User’s guide
IHS (Initial Height Sense): this setting activates or
deactivates the ohmic detection function (OHMIC
• ON: The head will detect material when the
ohmic cap comes into contact with the grounded
conductive material on the table. Once detection
is complete, the head goes back to the pre-set
TRANSFER HEIGHT piercing height.
• OFF:
The head moves up to the preset TOP OF
MATERIAL (job setup) height and moves back up
to the piercing height.
: resets the Z axis
Position by moving the head to its upper limit and re-
establishing its zero point.
The dashboard displays the indicators and tools of the
host for the operator.
Arc Voltage:
displays the plasma arc voltage return
during cutting.
Plasma Pierce Count:
This counter is used for keeping
a trail of the number of piercing operations carried out
by plasma consumables. Counter to reset with each
change of consumable.
Displays the cutting process under way.
Feed rate: Displays the feed speed percentage.
X, Y, Z:
Shows the coordinates of the torch in relation
to the machine.
OK to Move: indicates when the plasma has pierced
the plate to cut and is ready to start the program.
IHS: indicates when the plate is detected via the
OHMIC contact.
Breakaway: indicates if the torch impact safety system
is triggered or not.