AM58K CANopen®
6504-00 Supported alarms
[Unsigned16, ro]
Default = 0000h (Alarms not supported).
6506-00 Supported warnings
[Unsigned16, ro]
Default = 0000h (Warnings not supported).
6507-00 Profile and software version
[Unsig32, ro]
Contains the profile and software version.
Profile version for encoders = 3.1
Software version = 1.1
Default = 0301 0101h
6508-00 Operating time
[Unsigned32, ro]
Default = FFFF FFFFh (not used)
6509-00 Offset value
[Integer32, ro]
This object contains the Offset value. This value is the difference between the
physical position of the encoder and the position relating to the preset value
(see object
Default = 0000 0000h
650A-01 Manufacturer offset value
[Integer32, ro]
This object contains the manufacturer offset value. This is the difference
between the physical zero position of the encoder (zero set mechanically) and
the zero position set by the manufacturer (zero set via software).
Default = 0000 0000h
650B-00 Serial number
[Unsigned32, ro]
Default = FFFF FFFFh (not used)
To save new parameters execute the store parameters function (see object
When the power is turned off or in case of
Reset node
Restore node
commands, parameters not saved are lost.
MAN AM58K CB E 1.1.odt
6 - CANopen® interface