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Only training and service purposes.
TH on/off Variable, coolting air
Cooling air temperature TH On / Off Type setting
TH on/off Variable, cooling Water
Cooling Water Outlet Temperature TH On / Off Type
Heating temp. setting
At the leaving water control in heating mode, the control reference water
temperature position setting
Cooling temp. setting
At the leaving water control in cooling mode, the control reference water
temperature position setting
Pump setting in heating
Set water pump on / off delay option in heating mode
Pump setting in cooling
Set water pump on / off delay option in cooling mode
Forced operation
Water pump off After 20 consecutive hours, disable / enable the logic that
drives the water pump by itself
CN_CC setting
It is the function to set whether to install (use) Dry Contact. (It is not a function
for Dry Contact installation, but it is a function to set the usage of the unit’s
CN_CC port.)
Pump Capacity
Function to change Water Pump Capacity
Smart Grid(SG) setting
Select whether to use or not use the SG Mode function of the product, set the
operation option value in SG1 step.
Seasonal auto temp setting
Set the operating temperature in Seasonal Auto mode
Modbus Address
It is function to set the address of the Modbus device that is externally linked to
the product. Modbus address setting function is available from indoor unit.
Function to set external input and output control according to DI / DO set by
customer using dry contact port of indoor unit. Determine the use of the contact
port (CN_EXT) mounted on the indoor unit PCB
Anti-freezing Temperature
This function prevents the product from freezing.
Add Zone
Install additional valve in product to control additional operation area
Use External Pump
Set up to control an external water pump
3rd Party Boiler
Configuration to control 3rd party boiler
Meter Interface
When installing the meter interface to measure energy / calorie in the product,
set unit spec for each port
Pump Prerun/Overrun
Set to reach the optimum flow rate by circulating the heating water with the
water pump before heat exchange. After the operation stop, additional water
pump is activated to circulate the heating water.
Data logging setting
Display error history of connected unit
Password Initialization setting
It is the function to initialize (0000) the password when you forgot the password
set in the remote controller.