Reinstall missing or unresponsive fuser [31.xy]
Try one or more of the following:
Remove the unresponsive fuser, and then reinstall it.
If the message appears after reinstalling the supply, then the fuser is defective. Replace the fuser.
Install the missing fuser.
For more information on installing the fuser, see the instruction sheet that came with the part.
Reinstall missing or unresponsive imaging unit [31.xy]
Try one or more of the following:
Check if the imaging unit is missing. If missing, install the imaging unit.
For information on installing the imaging unit, see the “Replacing supplies” section of the
User’s Guide
If the imaging unit is installed, then remove the unresponsive imaging unit, and then reinstall it.
If the message appears after reinstalling the supply, then the imaging unit is defective. Replace the
imaging unit.
Remove defective disk [61]
Remove and replace the defective printer hard disk.
Remove packaging material, [area name]
Remove any remaining packaging material from the specified location.
Remove paper from all bins
Remove the paper from all of the bins. The printer automatically senses paper removal and resumes printing.
If removing the paper does not clear the message, then touch
Remove paper from bin [x]
Remove the paper from the specified bin. The printer automatically senses paper removal and resumes printing.
If removing the paper does not clear the message, then touch
Remove paper from [linked set bin name]
Remove paper from the specified bin. The printer automatically detects paper removal and resumes printing.
If removing the paper does not clear the message, then touch
Remove paper from standard output bin
Remove the paper stack from the standard bin.