Configuration and commissioning
Leuze electronic
MSI 100/200
Function Test
Once the project has been uploaded to the safety module, it is executed there following man-
ual acknowledgment. You must perform a function test to ensure that the safety module and,
thus, the safety logic and the entire wiring are functioning correctly.
Online mode in
You can switch the MSIsafesoft configuration software to online mode for the function test. The
online values are thereby read cyclically from the safety module and displayed in the connec-
tion editor and the hardware editor.
Safety demand / monitor-
ing signals
By activating the safe command devices, e.g., by pressing the E-Stop command device or
opening the safety door, you trigger the safety demand. The behavior of the safety logic can
now be analyzed precisely in the configuration software, as the connection editor displays the
value of every signal "live" in online mode.
Performing function test with the help of online mode
Connecting /
logging in
1. Connect the switched-on safety module to the configuration computer via the USB inter-
2. Start the MSIsafesoft configuration software and log in to the safety module.
The status line in the MSIsafesoft configuration software now displays the following entry
on the right-hand side.
WARNING: Risk of injury or damage to equipment due to unintentional system states
or incorrect responses
The safety module is in the commissioning phase, i.e., unintentional system states or incor-
rect responses cannot be ruled out. Operation is not safe.
Make sure that the act of triggering the safety demand will not pose a risk for people or
Do not enter any hazardous areas and ensure that no other persons can access the
danger zone either.
The system can only display online values if the project in the safety module and the project
in the configuration system are identical.
If you have made a change to a project after commissioning, you must check the project and
download it to the safety module again.
Only then can you display online values.
For example, the following tasks are evaluated as changes in the project:
Moving an object
Making a change to the project documentation